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Welcome to Homepage.

The revolutionary digital home entity company.

Claim my home
Patent pending technology.

Your home's digital address.

Homepage establishes a digital entity for your home that is geographical-location anchored.This enables efficient and effective delivery of services and digital content to your home, securely and in privacy. As well, it allows for seamless households information sharing and neighbourhood bonding.

The digitized neighbourhood.

Once you are a member of the Homepage Network you will be able to establish  communication with your neighbours. Homepage allows your household to choose neighbours that you wish to socialize with. You can invite neighbours to connect with your household, you can accept to be connected with a neighbour, you can chat with neighbours, you can send them message and share with with digital content such as videos and documents. Neighbours who are members of the Homepage Network can create and organize get-together events and chatrooms.   

Your home's digital mailbox.

Homepage provides a channel that retailers and service provides can use to inform you of Sale events and new product offerings. The Homepage Flyers channel allows retailers and service providers to customize your flyers so as to ensure maximum relevance. Inbox organizes all received flyers so that they are automatically delivered to your Homepage – entirely paperless.   

Address-based alerts.

Your home, being a member of the Homepage Network, will never miss an alert. ​Weather alerts, security alerts, service interruption alerts, and health alerts are disseminated digitally to your home so that to ensure maximum alert-awareness and to enable real-time interaction with the appropriate agencies.